David Montgomery
David Montgomery, Landscape Oil Paintings
David Montgomery was born in the West, unlike many who discover it in their travels. He spent his formative years growing up beneath the looming presence of Pikes Peak and the Front Range of Colorado. Hunting and fishing forays into the wilds with his family spawned his love of the outdoors and nature. He continues to hunt to this day, now with easel and paint brush.
The West has changed dramatically in his lifetime and the artist strives to commemorate the amazing vistas that are still intact, through conservation activism. The artist participates in the preservation of nature’s special places that are most worthy of protection.
David Montgomery has been creating art since he was a small child and has continued with this passion throughout his life. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting from Colorado State University. Montgomery has been living and painting in the San Luis Valley of Southern Colorado for over fifty years. He shares his love of these western spaces with his plein air pieces, as well as larger studio landscapes that fill collectors’ walls.