Tricia Bass
Tricia Bass, Oil Paintings
Tricia Bass has studied with master painters Don Sahli, Scott Yeager and Scott Christensen.
“The works of these fine artists always inspire me to continue to learn and improve my abilities as a painter,” Bass says. She adds that for her, painting is a marvelous and often frightening process and she is so moved by what she sees that she feels a great responsibility to bring that emotion to the viewer. It is the essence of that feeling and the play of light and color that Bass searches for as a painter.
While always an artist, Bass has painted for fifteen years. “The concept of being paid to paint in the great outdoors in this magnificent west constantly brings a smile to my face,” she shares. Bass feels that she discovered a secret, wonderful gift with oil painting. She is inspired by the beautiful Rocky Mountain environment and her faith in a greater power to seek out and explore her creative gifts.